Posted in opinion

Irregardless of what you say …

Five things that drive me crazy:

1. Irregardless. It’s actually a word in the dictionary but it’s just so wrong that I dare you to use it in public.

2. These ones, those ones, and even worse, these here ones or those there ones. *cringe* Just say these ones or those ones and I’m sending my Sicilian relatives to your door.

3. “I know, right?” Quite popular these days and, thus, irritating as hell. Just leave it at home when you’re in public.

4. Their, there, and they’re. These are so easy that I’m flummoxed when I hear/here (another one) people mix them up.

5. Picky people who think they can makes lists of five things that everyone else should or shouldn’t do. Like me.


Posted in opinion, people

Like it or not, President Obama will be remembered as one of America’s greatest presidents ever…

I like it and I agree. This is one powerful speech, particularly the last six minutes or so. Well done, Mr. President.

Posted in Baby boomers, life, opinion, people

They all try to put us down…

I’ve seen this before, some time ago, but when I ran across it again yesterday I was suddenly struck by the thought that it’s The Zimmers singing about me and my generation now, instead of The Who.

It’s entertaining to realize that as kids we thought we rocked the world, and we were blamed for the country’s social ills. Now we’re at it again, this time we’re blamed for ruining Social Security and Medicare and a slew of other things.

Every generation has something to be proud of, and something they wish would fade quickly into oblivion. Me? I’m sad we gave our returning Vietnam vets such an unconscionable “welcome” home. But, I take pride in being part of a generation that fought hard to end the war so no soldiers would have to go. Now? I’m sad many of us didn’t continue to fight for those same ideals, but I’m proud to be part of a generation that has made such a ruckus – at both ends of our lives.

So, sing it Zimmers! I’m off to join a picket line. I’ll be the one screaming “Hell no, we won’t go!” because I may be the last of a generation to remember a time without war.

Posted in articles, humor, life, observations, opinion, people

Repost: The death of common sense

Repost from the olden days (April 13, 2012). When no one knew me.

For years my husband and I have been tossing around one of our more brilliant ideas: Common Sense Court. I don’t know when it came into our thoughts first, but I remember one of the first things we thought should be sent to this court…………and, that was the woman who sued McDonald’s because the hot cup of coffee she ordered in the drive through and promptly placed between her legs so she could get on with her commute, had splashed and burned her. Let me say that again, she ordered hot coffee, put it between her legs where it splashed and burned her and SHE sued McDonald’s. Excuse me. They should have sued her for being stupid! But, I digress.

Continue reading “Repost: The death of common sense”

Posted in observations, opinion

What’s to become of us?

A few years back I had an idea for a story. I should leave it right there, because that in itself is newsworthy. I tend to be seriously plot-deprived as I’ve mentioned here before. Still, this one seemed like a cool idea, even though I don’t usually, or ever actually, write anything sci-fi, supernatural, whatever.

It was a story about humans a few decades into the future when the powers that be finally recognize that we are killing our planet and that human beings are the major problem. As a brilliant idea to end over-population and abuse of the land throughout the world, they created a program called “touch.” (Carrie, please note where the period is placed in that sentence. The rest of you, carry on.) Each person in the world, above the age of ten or so is given a patch that they are to slap onto the someone else of their choosing, thereby eliminating that person. You get one patch, you off one person.There was more to the story and some subplots about black market patches and all, but that’s the gist of it.

Continue reading “What’s to become of us?”

Posted in articles, humor, life, observations, opinion, people

The end of common sense

For years my husband and I have been tossing around one of our more brilliant ideas: Common Sense Court. I don’t know when it came into our thoughts first, but I remember one of the first things we thought should be sent to this court…………and, that was the woman who sued McDonald’s because the hot cup of coffee she ordered in the drive through and promptly placed between her legs so she could get on with her commute, had splashed and burned her. Let me say that again, she ordered hot coffee, put it between her legs where it splashed and burned her and SHE sued McDonald’s. Excuse me. They should have sued her for being stupid! Continue reading “The end of common sense”