Posted in this&that

Go ahead, make my day!

Another fun moment this week . . . courtesy of a fellow blogger who bestowed upon me the curiously wonderful Versatile Blogger award!

I’m not sure how I qualified for this. Well, actually I am. I begged for it! After winning it himself, Pouring My Art Out (PMAO), in his inimitable style, asked his readers to explain why they might deserve it. So I did.

Being a smart ass worked or, more likely, PMAO thought I was pathetic. I’m taking the high road. And, as required by receipt of this award, I am bestowing it on the following bloggers who make me laugh and cry, and wonder and wander. (See below for more info on your award.)

introverted blogger


A Farewell to Carbs

daffodils & dishwater

Life on Earth

Mike’s Look at Life

Weighting it Out


After the Commercial




I’m also supposed to share seven things about myself, as if you didn’t already know more than enough. I’ve decided to share the least fascinating things I can think of . . .

Shoe size: 7-1/2

First cat’s name: Cuddlebones

BFF’s name: Mary

Where I met my husband: Yosemite National Park

Why I met my husband: It was time

My last name means: “farmer” in German

My first name means: a child that bites

Winners, please visit the Versatile Blogger site for more information on the award and the obligations you now assume as a winner! Thanks for all the entertaining posts and keep posting! ~ Emma


I'm a writer making my way through life and offering observations as I go. Old enough to know better but that doesn't stop me.

13 thoughts on “Go ahead, make my day!

      1. Thanks, I do. That’s why I put the awards in my sidebar–I think it helps people to know what you already have. May make me a little geeky, but that’s okay. I have no problem with that 🙂

  1. Goodness, I’d like to thank my family for making me be versitle at odd times. It obviously came in handy. Thanks Emma, what a lovely treat after a long weekend away. 🙂

  2. Just a quick FYI: I deeply appreciate your nominating me for this award. I’ve been busy practicing my acceptance speech and trying to find 15 bloggers who I enjoy what haven’t already won it. I have a nice acceptance post pretty much done, but need to punch it up for the big unveiling. I hope they don’t misspell my name on the trophy again.
    Thanks again…in the words of Sally Field, “you like me! you really really like me!”

    1. We like you! We all like you! Looking forward to reading that acceptance speech. It’s a lot of work to find 15 bloggers without the award (which should make us feel a little less important in the overall scheme of things, I guess) and to post all of them with links and let them all know and take care of all the important task related to the award…I know! Have fun.

      1. It’s done now, but I want to time the posting perfectly to get maximum views…It’s kind of depressing to work like crazy on something and have 4 people view it and one person “like” it…all this rejection is a little too much like dating in high school (and college…and grad school)

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